
Monday, October 27, 2003

Robbie and Duffy
Stephen Duffy and The Lilac TimeThe Sunday Mirror found it hilarious that Robbie Williams is supposedly recruiting Stephen 'Tintin' Duffy to replace Guy Chambers as his writing partner, but they are not so different. Chambers was undoubtedly an excellent partner for Williams and left when he was asked to work exclusively with Robbie.
Prior to working with Robbie, Chambers was in Karl Wallinger's World Party (hence the note-perfect cover of Wallinger's "She's the One") and before that in a band called The Lemon Trees who used to slog around the same grim venues at the same time that I used to.
Stephen Duffy has been writing and recording excellent songs for years since his moment of pop stardom with "Kiss Me" in 1982, both as a solo artist and with the fantastic Lilac Time.
I think (if the story is true) it could be a pretty good move for everyone. I love Duffy's songs and maybe with a bit of Robbie's pop fairydust it could work out.
It's no certainly stranger than Andy Partridge working with Cathy Dennis. Also, I seem to remember Stephen turning down the chance to work with Madonna at one point (though maybe I dreamt that ). Anyway, I hope Stephen makes a million.

[update] sorry about all that - what a load a waffle!