
Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Medical Mayhem
Two odd medicially related stories from the BBC News site caught my eye. Firstly the completely mad sounding face transplants. Skin and face muscles from corpses can be grafted onto people who have been 'facially disfigured'. Nice - a dead persons face - a death mask? furthermore the happy new owner will have to take drugs forever to stop the face rejecting them. Jesus! Can I apply for Jude Law's when he pops his clogs? - depending on how and when he goes of course and how he looks after it in the meantime. Maybe I could put a deposit on it and legally force him not to have plastic surgery?
Even madder still, "When gays were 'cured'" - one of the many 'cures' attempted was as follows..."In the 1920s, mainstream medical researchers in Germany implanted testicles from corpses into the bodies of homosexual men, usually without their knowledge. The idea was to boost testosterone levels."
Yeah I can see how that's going to work!
Dead peoples faces and dead peoples balls! - isn't science fantastic!